Seal of approval “Safety with System”
(NFL / ILO-OSH 2001 and ISO 45001:2018) and occupational health
Polycarbonate Manholes |
Declaration of Performance 18/0734( Polycarbonate PC)
Polycarbonate manholes | ground water compatibility
"Hygiene Institut des Ruhrgebiets" test report
Multiple cable & pipe entry systems | type examination
DVGW type examination certificate
Polycarbonate Manholes |
General construction technique permit (DiBt)
The complete aBG (Z-10.39-825) document can be downloaded from the German Institute for Civil Engineering (DiBt) website (www.dibt.de).
Manhole convers | fire-resistance rating
MPA Dresden certified expertise
You can request this paper (MPA Dresden) via email.
Single cable & pipe entry system for gas |
type examination
DVGW type examination certificate